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excellence in patient safety and physician support.

Advocating for anesthesiologists and the future of your specialty.

about us

advancing the practice and securing the future

Physician-led, patient-centered care is the safest and most cost-effective model for providing anesthesia care. South Carolina has laws, regulations and policies that help ensure patient safety by requiring physician supervision of nurse anesthetists and anesthesiologist assistants.

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furthering the practice of anesthesiology

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your continued membership is more important than ever before.

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made for this moment stories

Anesthesiology is a critical care specialty. Years of education, training and research have resulted in a six sigma rating of excellence and patient safety. Without physicians, that care is jeopardized. Click below on the large photo for real-life situations of when anesthesiologists prevented serious complications and saved patients.


South Carolina Society of Anesthesiologists

legislative priority

As leaders in our field, we do our best to keep you up to date on all legislative and industry changes.

Patient Safety Issues at the General Assembly

Patient Safety Research

Federal Legislative and Regulatory Issues

member testimonial

why should I become a member?

The SCSA is the only organization in South Carolina that advocates expressly for your specialty.